
Effective Employee Appraisals [Webinar]

Written by FrankCrum | Jan 14, 2016 2:31:21 PM


Are your practices regarding performance appraisals helping your business or hurting it?

Utilizing an Effective Performance Appraisal can help set up future goals and allow employees to learn from their mistakes. 

Good documentation leads to the truth and thus helps reduce risk to the employer.

Conducting effective appraisals includes giving "mini-appraisals" throughout the year, which will prevent any surprises during the formal one. If done correctly, this can make your employees more productive and boost their morale. 

FrankCrum’s webinar series has tips for Human Resource best practices. This webinar covers what constitutes an Effective Employee Appraisal process. 

Presented by Christine Pahl, PHR, this free prerecorded webinar covers:

  • Ways to prepare for appraisals
  • How to make your performance reviews effective and legal
  • Why honesty is always the best route to take
  • Steps to constructive criticism during a review 

 Click below to watch the webinar: