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Human Resources

What You Need For ACA Compliance

David Peasall, VP, Human Resources
by David Peasall, VP, Human Resources on September 22, 2015

There are a million things to know and to do to comply with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Okay, so maybe not a million things, but there are many. And huge new financial concerns are heading your way if you’re an employer of 50 or more full time and full time equivalent employees. To help business owners navigate through this, below is a checklist and some valuable resources. 

ACA Compliance Checklist

If you haven't started reviewing and planning solutions for these, you’re already behind.  But it’s not too late to get into ACA compliance so call or email us today at 800-393-0815, option 8 or

Legal Notice – The purpose of this illustrative information is to assist in the discussion of risk, concerns and general requirements.  It is not legal counsel, tax advice or judgment of a business’s compliance or non-compliance.  It is recommended that you seek qualified tax and legal counsel familiar with your particular circumstances before taking any action.

ACA Compliance



David Peasall, VP, Human Resources
David Peasall, VP, Human Resources

David Peasall joined FrankCrum in 2010. Since that time, he has served as the Vice President of Human Resources. Serving in the Army, he began his 20+ year career in human resources and benefits administration and has held several management positions within the corporate and public human resources environments overseeing employee benefits sales and administration, recruitment, compensation, employee relations, organizational development, and compliance. He has the nationally recognized designation of Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR), PPACA certification from NAHU, and a Bachelor’s degree from Barry University with a dual major in Human Resources Management and Health Services Administration. He has written for the Society for Human Resources Management, HR Insight, Proyecto Magazine, and for online publications in the restaurant and health care industries. While not at work, this Florida native loves spending time with his family, preferably boating, fishing, and diving the beautiful waters of Florida.