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Top Reasons Why Businesses Call For FrankAdvice [Video]

Christine Batten, PHR
by Christine Batten, PHR on January 29, 2016


Over the years employment laws have increased protections for employees which has brought about more litigious behavior. This means on top of dealing with managing people, policies and procedures, HR can also involve managing risk.

Our clients enjoy FrankAdvice, which is a consulting service that provides guidance and HR best practices to assist employers in making tough decisions concerning employees.Although there may be multiple situations that arise in employment that you may wish to consult with an HR advisor, we wanted to touch on some common topics. FrankCrum’s Human Resources Manager Christine Pahl discusses the reasons clients call for FrankAdvice.

In this video, we will cover:

  • Main reasons you should consult with an HR professional before taking adverse actions against an employee
  • What your focus should be as an employer for allegations of wrongful employment actions
  • How good HR management helps you prepare for possible consequences of actions taken against employees
  • Why good documentation is vital to defending your position

Even though you may be aware of labor laws and the fact that most states have “at-will” employment, any action you take is risky.

If you would like to learn more about FrankAdvice and the other services offered by FrankCrum, feel free to speak to a Business Consultant today!

Effective Employee Corrective Action Webinar

Why businesses call FrankAdvice


Christine Batten, PHR
Christine Batten, PHR

Christine has over 20 years of HR related experience with a background in labor and employment law.