What do you do if an employee needs to take extended medical leave?
This includes the birth of a child, or to care for an immediate family member with a serious health condition.
Employers with 50 or more employees are covered under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) – even if your employees don’t all work in the same location.
All employees (full or part time) are counted if they all work at any locations within a 75 mile radius.
Informing your employees of details behind the Department of Labor’s FMLA will keep them happy and secure in the event they need to take extended leave for personal reasons.
FrankCrum’s webinar series has great tips for better Human Resource practices - this webinar is going to cover everything you need to know about the Family Medical Leave Act.
Presented by Nannette Madera, PHR, this free webinar is going to cover:
Click below to watch the webinar.