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How Do I Hire and Retain The Right People?

by FrankCrum on April 14, 2016

 Hire_and_Retain_the_Right_People.jpgThe following is an excerpt from our latest guide, "A Business Owner's Guide to HR: Is There a Better Way?"

There are a number of best practices that can help you do a better job of hiring. These include the use of job descriptions to clarify the role, written employment applications, structured interviews, background checks, drug screenings and past employment verification.Offer competitive salary and benefits packages, along with as much flexibility in scheduling as is appropriate in your industry.

Don’t forget to discuss your company’s goals and core values to ensure the best fit. In addition, it’s important to put the right policies and procedures in place, to make your expectations clear. After you hire, offer a good onboarding program, augmented by thorough, consistent training.

Treat all employees with dignity and respect, making sure your supervisors do the same; and consider ways to engage employees such as employee recognition programs, events and community volunteer projects.

A Business Owner's Guide to HR


FrankCrum is a professional employer organization (PEO), founded in 1981 dedicated to helping business owners boost HR capabilities and broaden convenient services and benefits to employees. The origin of FrankCrum dates back to 1981, when Frank W. Crum, Jr. and his father, Frank Crum, Sr., founded the Great American Temporary Service. With a passion for helping small business owners succeed, the company has evolved and grown over several decades.