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4 Things Standing in the Way of Employee Retention

Jaime Moore
by Jaime Moore on April 28, 2017

employee-retentionEmployee retention, or finding and keeping the best employees is the primary goal of all employers. Too many times, top talent looks elsewhere for employment because of simple things like a lack of communication or lack of training. While money seems like the obvious employee retention tool, sometimes employers don’t realize how big a role the small things play. If you’re looking to increase employee retention, here are four potential roadblocks you need to consider.

1. Lack of communication

Your top employees want to please you so properly communicating what they need to do in order to make that happen is a great employee retention tool. Always be direct and clear with instructions, including those in written communications like job descriptions and company policies. Once employees know what is expected of them, they’ll work hard to get the job done and do it well. Employees, especially those considered top talent, expect they can trust their employers to maintain organization and communicate effectively. Let your strongest communicators handle the bulk of the planning and delivery because continually feeling “off track” or being unsure on projects or jobs will create mounting frustration for those working the hardest for you.

2. Lack of training

Good employees looking for longevity want to know there is room to advance in the company. Don’t just let them wonder whether it will happen, discuss plans for their advancement and available opportunities to ensure employee retention. To foster the feeling they might advance, you have to make sure training is a priority. It may be best to designate a team trainer to both show new employees the ropes and ensure ongoing training is available. Ongoing training is also beneficial for your team, especially for those who may not have their hands in every program, job or shift every day. This helps you to realize their abilities and interests and allows them to eventually focus on what they like and what they’re best at.

3. Lack of flexibility

In most cases, your employees want to do right by you, but they also have responsibilities outside work. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to be in multiple places at once. To the extent it’s feasible, trying to accommodate their needs or emergencies the best way you can is a management technique that boosts employee retention. This doesn’t necessarily have to be paid time off (depending on applicable laws), but if your employees know you’ll help them through a hard time by being flexible, they’re more likely to stick with you for the long haul. Supporting a work-life balance for your employee can be the best tool to avoid burnout and boost employee retention.

4. Lack of respect and recognition

When it comes to the way you run your business, you are the main decision maker, but you hired your employees because you couldn’t run your business alone. They want to know they add value to your company. You may not always utilize their suggestions, but be open to hearing them. When you have a big project coming up, have a meeting and invite your strongest employees to share thoughts, so you can draw the big picture together. Give feedback on the work performed and be sure to recognize and reward good work. Even simple things like calling your employees by name makes them feel important and boosts employee retention.

When it comes to employee retention, focus on the simple things. Keeping your business running smoothly means keeping a schedule and delegating what you don’t have time to handle. Listen to your employees; after all, they’re the ones who execute your business’s vision every day.  Employees who feel appreciated will want to work harder and better for you as the years go on.

Looking for more expert PEO insight on how to increase employee retention? Check out our free resource, The Employer’s Playbook for Avoiding Hiring Mistakes.

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Jaime Moore
Jaime Moore

Jaime Moore is a Brand Journalist for FrankCrum. She has more than 10 years of experience in journalism, writing and communications. Her focus is on writing about the challenges small businesses face. In her spare time, Jaime enjoys vacationing in the mountains, watching movies and spending time with her children.